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Our products

Features of the Shipsonic ultrasonic antifouling system:

Robust system design

Shipsonic™ has chosen for a robust, industrial approach of its systems designs.  Ships are 24-7 on the move. In the engine rooms, humidity and temperatures can be very high for extended periods of time. At the high seas, you can not call a service engineer to check on problems with one of your ship’s systems. Therefore Shipsonic™ systems are purely functional, no frills such as digital displays or wireless system monitoring. All such frivolities may look nice on a trade show, but  they tend to break down, making your system vulnerable. We are not concerned with cosmetics, but with reliability.


High power (Wattage)

We are one of the few, if not the only ones, who work with 80, 100 or even 120Watt transducers. This not only results in more ultrasonic energy in the object you want to protect, but the heavier transducers also have a lower resonance frequency. It is   known that the lower frequencies of the ultrasonic spectrum are more efficient.


Correct frequency

Resonant frequencies (the resulting frequency after installation) fluctuate with kind of object and method of installation. Our design features a standalone software module for each transducer, running through all relevant frequencies, which enables us to ensure that each transducer is optimally powered. This means every transducer always receives pulses in its own, specific resonance frequency.

Failsafe electronics design

The Shipsonic electronics engineer has made a deliberate design effort to guarantee that the transducers in our systems can be powered continuously without excessive heat generation. The life cycle of electronics is severely shortened by excessive heat or fluctuating temperatures. Our system design ensures that all electronics always stay at least 25% below its maximum temperature specifications. All control units are equipped with 2 cooling fans, one blowing inward and one blowing outward to guarantee proper air circulation inside.


Plug and play

In the Shipsonic design, each transducer is a stand-alone module, with separate power supply, separate power circuit board (PCB) and separate software module. This means that if one transducer fails, all other transducers of the same control unit will continue to function.
In case of a short circuit in the transducer cable, the electronics can be damaged. But since the PCB's in the control unit are plug-and-play; replacing a PCB requires no special knowledge and requires 5 minutes, even at the high seas!


Additional options and features

On request, Shipsonic offers adaptations to our systems, as the client wishes. Most frequently, we offer the following:

  • CANBUS connection; for system monitoring in the chief engineers quarters

  • PLC (programmable logic controller); to control a large number of transducers from one point, eg sluice gates or similar large objects

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